Process approach is based on the assumption that activities should be optimised taking into consideration the processes and not, as in a classical organisation, the functions. Therefore, it is the process which is a determinant of the rise in effectiveness in a modern organisation. Improving operation based on process analysis allows the organisational system to become more dynamic. An organisation from a process perspective, is an organisation run based on market relations within its own structures. The essence and aim of the processes being run in an organisation is achieving tangible results, verified by internal and external supplier – customer relations. It is for the internal and external clients to decide what accounts for the value of a product or service. Creating use value must be the foundation of constructing a process and its particular stages.1
1 Grajewski P., Organizacja procesowa, Warszawa 2007, s. 54 – 76
Our task is to implement or optimise process management as well as to utilise company potential in a more effective way, which will have a direct impact on the rise in effectiveness. An analytical description of processes allows us to make use of the process approach to run an organisation.
The following is information which is required for analysis and choosing the right process approach to management:
- determining the beginning and end of each process,
- determining the input and output data for each activity in a process,
- checking whether the given process creates the expected product or result,
- assigning activities to particular job positions within a given process,
- determining the right measures for verifying a process.